Yesterday's post was actually done on my phone with the help of Google Docs app. I drafted the entire post using the app and then copied it over to Weebly's app for publishing. I guess it is the solution for the extremely buggy Weebly app. The formatting and the text were well preserved in that post and I'm glad.
I've just reread my last post and found a few typo mistakes here and there. I also realized something about myself. I won't post on my blog when I'm feeling undecided about what to post (with the exception of the drunk post). This post was supposed to be published yesterday, but I was too busy yesterday watching "Divergent" at night. This is me continuing the post today... I had nights out yesterday from 6pm after my flag lowering duties till 2359. I saw that I had enough time to go home so I went home to eat and use my laptop for a few hours before going back to camp. It was boring. I actually started on the movie "Divergent" while I was booking out. Turns out it was quite an interesting movie. I just got notified today that I won't be booking out this weekend due to some admin matters, but will be compensated by off in lieu in the future. This week is supposed to be short, but well... Hais... Next week will be a week of freedom as I will be free for almost the entire week thanks to Christmas! Just two days without texting you and hearing your voice feels so weird. Hope you are doing well by yourself these few days or you've found other ways to keep yourself occupied. Does my previous (and another previous) post affect you? I hope not...? I can't be "appropriately" with you, talking to you, texting with you, etc. But I will be here giving you all the support you need! Haha. But if you really really need me to be there for whatever reason, then just contact me ba. I hope I'm not dead by then... Or busy. But hey, you're always lucky! Today, I watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #TMNT. The movie was great too, but definitely not the Divergent's genre of movie... I actually wanted to watch The Lego Movie tonight, but I thought I should sleep early today. Will be sleeping in the office tonight... Goodnight people! Signing off @ 20:58 As always, take care and I'll see you soon... Comments are closed.
Updated: 20 Aug 2021
Steven Ching
Dazhong Primary School Bukit View Secondary School Singapore Polytechnic (Diploma in Computer Engineering) University of Wollongong (Bachelor of Computer Science - Digital System Security with Distinction) Infantry Specialist (3SG NS) Archives
August 2021