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Those who have access to private posts, please make sure to select a completely new blog page I've created just for restricted posts. If you are logged in but you do not have access to this post, then you are not authorized to read this post. I'm sorry Side note: This is the first time I've written so much in a post. It will get even longer as I slowly come out with an updated evaluation everyday, until I'm clear with what I want to do. It is also the first time I pen down my deepest feelings and emotions. I even have the exact song I was listening while writing the post recorded down so I can remind myself of the exact thoughts and emotions I was feeling at the point of writing. I hope I feel better. Thanks. And goodnight As always, take care and I'll see you soon UPDATE1: Day 1 evaluation posted @ 2314 22022015 UPDATE2: Day 2 - 5 evaluation updated @ 1141 28022015 Just checked and found out that it's been a month since I posted anything here on my blog. It is Chinese New Year, so why not post something today right? I'm currently at home, celebrating Chinese New Year with my parents and will only have to book back into camp on Sunday night :) I managed to watch the highly acclaimed "Fifty Shades of Grey" movie at GV Plaza on the 17th Feb 2015 (6.15pm session). This is a movie I've always wanted to watch, and I thought I won't get the chance to. Of course, the movie was rated R21 and it is my first R21 movie that I've ever watched in theaters. I won't write anything else to spoil the movie for you. If you haven't watched it yet, be sure to go catch it soon! I know the movie is actually kinda gross for some people. BUT, the OST is actually quite good. My OnePlus One also recently received the OTA update to XNPH05Q, which is the last update to the Kitkat build. I've also did a few benchmark to make sure that the new version of CM11s isn't giving me any performance issue. Here you go.. Happy Chinese New Year to all of you out there!
As always, take care and I'll see you soon... @Lovehousing: 想送你回家的人,东南西北都顺路。愿陪你吃饭的人,酸甜苦辣都爱吃。想见你的人,24小时都有空。想帮助你的人,再苦再难也会想尽一切办法帮你!记住!喜欢你的人你怎么样都行,不喜欢你的人你怎么样都不行,做人其实很简单。只要你把我当回事,你的事就是我的事。如果你没把我当回事,你的事关我屁事
Did I do all of that? Hmm... As always, take care and I'll see you soon! |
Updated: 20 Aug 2021
Steven Ching
Dazhong Primary School Bukit View Secondary School Singapore Polytechnic (Diploma in Computer Engineering) University of Wollongong (Bachelor of Computer Science - Digital System Security with Distinction) Infantry Specialist (3SG NS) Archives
August 2021