Have been raining for two days straight since I book in. Many activities are cancelled because of this. It also left us with a huge load of admin time to do our own things. Since we are not supposed to use our phone during admin time, I used the SAF issued tablet to do my own things. Last week, I used the tablet to do my research on how to speed up my SSD. This week, I researched about my upcoming new ear piece. I think I'm pretty sure it is the one I want for now. Just waiting for the correct time to spend that money. I have two hours of hand phone and free time now to do my own things. So I'm here updating my blog, before buying the earpiece? It is confirmed that I will be going to SDC this Friday. I will have my swimming lesson before booking out to SDC and then go home from there. Today's SOC is cancelled because of the rain. There will be no IPPT and route march this week :D Tomorrow, I will finally have my SAF fire power demonstration. We are asked to prepare our ear plugs for tomorrow's event. Apparently, they will fire off weapons to show off the firing power of the weapons, probably HE grenades as well. It is nearly two months from the time I enlist. I'm sure before I know it, I will already be in my BMT phase. Which also means that it's two months more to my POP. I've been posting and updating a lot of my life on my blog, therefore I will be extending my web hosting subscription to bring you more content in the future. Signing off @ 8:23pm As always, take care and I'll see you soon...
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Updated: 20 Aug 2021
Steven Ching
Dazhong Primary School Bukit View Secondary School Singapore Polytechnic (Diploma in Computer Engineering) University of Wollongong (Bachelor of Computer Science - Digital System Security with Distinction) Infantry Specialist (3SG NS) Archives
August 2021