is now SSL and DNSSEC enabled. Been trying very hard to get this two setup on my website. Finally, today, both were accomplished. Google recently was pushing websites without SSL down the search results, hopefully with these recent changes I've made. It will be back up on the search results again! To tighten up the DNS, I also purchased Namecheap PremiumDNS, which provides 100% SLA, Anycast and of course DNSSEC support. Namecheap PremiumDNS is powered by Verisign It is again almost the end of the year. It is time to start planning my New Year resolution for the upcoming year 2018. Have fun and stay safe during the festive season!
As always, take care and I'll see you soon! Please check back soon... Still got much more to write about, but I'm too tired... Dozing off - 2:04AM Update! Got a new laptop. HP Omen 15. Specification as below Processor. Intel Core i7 7700HQ Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1050 Ti 4GB RAM: 16GB Storage: 512GB NVMe M.2 SSD Display: 15.6" 1080p IPS Audio: Bang and Olufsen audio I tried playing Fire Emblem Echoes on my 3DS and I loved it. So I bought the game and the Amiibo set :) Next... BA NA NA! Started playing Mobile Legends recently too. ** Thanks to Felicia ** As always, take care and I'll see you soon!
Managed to catch Boss Baby and Fast 8 on the 10th and the 12th respectively. Yea, I thought I'm gonna stay home on Monday. Both movies were great, but Fast 8 is a MUST watch! Other than that, I have nothing much to update... OnePlus 3 got another OTA update yesterday (almost twice a month now) to fix some critical bugs. Fitbit Charge 2 was also updated and I think there are a few new features? (Damn, that update took a two hours to install, causing me to miss the step tracking from home to work in the morning. It said it would only take 10 minutes...)
As always, take care and I'll see you soon! These few days I'm constantly having those flu like symptoms... Very possibly due to my rhinitis. It became quite bad these days, even at work... Talking about work, I'm not working tomorrow due to an off in lieu for Saturday. Another boring day for me again. Ugh. This is the reason why I miss studying so much. I cannot wait to go back to school. My current plan is to start with university no matter what this year. If I don't get into SIT (very likely), then I will just have to apply somewhere else. This is the first time that I ever faced such a road block in life. Things for me have been going smoothly all the while till after my NS. I went to kindergarten just like other kids. Got into a primary school, then secondary school and lastly polytechnic. It was a last choice kind of thing. I got into SIT Computer Science & Game Design. Made the decision to reject the placing and go to work for a year and trying to apply to a university next year. 6 months in, nothing changed. Still the same, without any proper future plans. Really had enough of this life I'm living. I know it is because of my results that I'm not getting into university and the course of my choice. (The whole holistic approach thing is a LIE or maybe I need a better portfolio? But how many students matriculating to universities actually have production/stable apps on the Play Store? How many student code as a hobby? How many students actually want a career in this industry? Many are there just for that piece of certificate. I want to be there because I really love technology and being a software engineer is my dream from young...) Sorry, enough of ranting... It is 2 hours past midnight right now and I cannot sleep, again. Just the thought on my future itself gives me nightmares at night. What should I do? I feel so lost. It is the same feeling that I had after I ORD. Really hope I get all my decisions and thoughts sorted out, soon. Getting through NS wasn't easy, many things happened back then (both personal and NS). I'm sure there are many people out there who are in the same boat as me, feeling lost and not knowing what to do next... If I'm ever successful in the future, I hope to help those who are facing this problem to 'see the light of tomorrow' Recently, I got in contact with my Secondary School MT teacher, Mrs Wu (Used to be Ms Wu :P) I was looking back at my first few emails in my inbox and found that it was to her, my MT teacher. She was the best teacher any student could ever have. I also went with her and company to Foshan, Guangzhou once in Secondary School for school overseas exchange program. I thought that I might as well try my luck and drop her an email to see if she will reply to me, AND SHE DID! She taught me Chinese for 3 years. Back then, we used to MSN a lot at night after school. We always talked about life and sometimes music interest/movie interest etc. She was in Singapore last week so I sent her my number and she called me one day at night. I was so emotional and my whole head was filled with thoughts and memories of the past. I really wasn't a good student. I didn't do very well for my Chinese. We also made her cry multiple times back then (even though I wasn't exactly part of it). Because of this, I also contacted my Secondary School best friend, Shawn. I had a very good time talking to him that day over the phone. Reminiscing the past and laughing at stupid things that we did back then. We apologized to her for our childishness in the past. Guess what she replied with? 千万不要这么说,这只是成长的经历!哈哈,那样的年纪如果有你们现在这样的想法,就太不现实了,不是吗?☺ 虽然华文未必很厉害,但是你们对老师的真诚友好善良,老师一直都有放在心上,也很感恩能够碰到你们这群孩子,过了七年,我们依然可以开心聊天,真的是老师和你们的缘分 ☺ Damn. After typing this myself, I'm feeling emotional again... :') Okay, next... I'm thinking to starting a start-up company together with a few of my friends (possibly while studying). I'm currently thinking of ideas for it. I know it is still very far from reality, but I doesn't hurt to think about it eh? Looking at the time right now and it is already 3.05am. I suppose I will end here. Will be back for any more updates on the decisions and thoughts that I have... Last thing, I love this wallpaper... or maybe I just love the 27inch curved monitor that I'm using... :) and I'm using a legitimate copy of Internet Download Manager (decided one day that I had enough of the nags) As always, take care and I will see you soon :)
I started this website and hosting service about 5 years ago... (14 April 2013 is the day that I paid for Weebly Pro) And the pricing for the subscription (Weebly Pro) went up significantly. When I started my Weebly Pro subscription, there wasn't any Starter, Business nor Performance plans, only Pro plans. Back then, I was still studying in Polytechnic. I had limited allowance from my parents every month.
I wrote to Weebly Support that time and told them my circumstance. They were kind to offer me the Weebly Pro grandfathered price plans (Even though it was already after the plan change (a few days after), from per account to per site). Been a subscriber ever since that day... I'm currently paying 2.99 USD per month (2 years subscription, 6.99 USD if paid per month) for 10 Pro sites :) Really happy with the decision to use Weebly! The current price plan for Weebly Pro is 9 USD per site (2 years subscription, 18 USD if paid per month). For current Weebly users who really requires the 10 sites, they will be paying (9 USD x 10 sites x 24 months) 2160 USD. Whereas under the grandfathered plans, I only need to pay (2.99 USD x 24) 71.76 USD. That is about 30 times more than before... I mean if you look around at prices offered by competitors, it is around the same price as the current Weebly (so they are not considered 'expensive'). I'm looking for more ways to improve my site, hosting servers on my sub domains, etc. Will update here if I got any new services to offer. This website is sitting at 1430 page views per week according to Weebly's site stats. (Around 5720 per month). As always, take care and I'll see you soon! Turns out I ran into a major issue turning on SSL on my domain. I've turned them all off for now. It also caused a major impact on my website's security. Let me explain.
I got a free acount from Cloudflare and they could provide free SSL to my domain by changing my domain name servers to Cloudflare's name servers. Immediately, I got SSL on Then I started having problems with Weebly. Weebly is unable to confirm that my domain is pointing to Weebly as it was pointing to Cloudflare's proxies (It is there as the middleman to control who can come in my website). With that I'm constantly getting errors saying that my website is not set up properly and it provided instructions to change my A Records to point to Weebly, which it is already pointing to Weebly (just that Weebly cannot see it) HSTS will also NOT cache my domain as HSTS certified anymore. I've contacted Weebly support and they told me that actually Weebly is bringing SSL for all paid plans! OMG, I should have waited longer before jumping on the SSL bandwagon. Those of you who frequent my website and saw the SSL update yesterday will get a warning from your browsers saying that my site is insecure. It is not insecure. It is because of the HSTS inclusion that I applied, and since I removed HSTS and SSL, I cannot get my website certified anymore (maybe until Weebly start implementing SSL) Those who have issues connecting to my website, please clear your HSTS cache Sorry for the inconvenience caused I will be back on this again once I can get proper SSL setup on my website. As always, take care and I'll see you soon! This website is now HTTPS enabled and meets all HSTS requirements. What does it mean for all of you browsing on my website?
HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) will cause all browsers that support HSTS web security policy to enforce strict web security policies. All request to the site will automatically turn into HTTPS links. Any SSL errors like warnings or bypass-able errors will become non bypass-able errors. It means that you can no longer browse this site using the previous unsecured HTTP. When you browse my website, you will see a green padlock on your browser, indicating that the connection to the server is secure. Additionally, the website's DNS is also protected against forged DNS answers using DNSSEC. Browse with confidence! As always, take care and I'll see you soon! :) Watched Ghost In The Shell, great movie. I heard that it was an adaptation of an anime back in 1995? Nonetheless, the movie was great IMO :D Got myself a new Fitbit Charge 2 for around 200 dollars. I always thought Fitbit is just a really really expensive Mi Band 2. Turns out I was wrong. I was amazed by the accuracy of the data, its always active heart rate monitoring, altitude tracking, and OLED display.
The app is just so good compared to Mi Fit. The app itself, to me, is already worth that 200 dollars. A new sleep state feature is coming soon to my Fitbit Charge 2. Looking forward to try that out in the near future. As always, take care and I'll see you soon! :) |
Updated: 20 Aug 2021
Steven Ching
Dazhong Primary School Bukit View Secondary School Singapore Polytechnic (Diploma in Computer Engineering) University of Wollongong (Bachelor of Computer Science - Digital System Security with Distinction) Infantry Specialist (3SG NS) Archives
August 2021